Kenya Golf Guide

KPA Director Abdalla Fadhili (right) hands over the winner’s prize to Muthaiga Golf Club captain Bhavnish Chandaria after he emerged the overall winner of the KPA Golf Day at the weekend.


Kenya Ports Authority hosted its annual KPA Golf Day at the Muthaiga Golf Club over the weekend. The tournament was attended by stakeholders as well as customers.

This year’s overall winner was club captain Bhavnish Chandaria with a successful three under par, the longest drive and points at 40. The men’s top prize winner went to Mwai Mbuthia, the former chairman of the club. He was followed closely by Julius Mutethia as the runner up with 39 points and Kanyi Gachoka as the men’s third winner at 37 points.

Olive Njagi was the lady winner with 36 points followed closely by Samira Furrer at 35 points. KPA staff winner was scooped by Charles Odoo with points at 32, followed closely by his wife Terry Odoo at 24 points. The longest drive in the ladies category was won by Mary Cox.

Prizes were handed out by Transport PS Mr Nduva Muli, KPA Chairman Hon. Danson Mungatana, KPA MD Mr Gichiri Ndua and Attorney General My Githu Muigai. nike air max ladies nike air max ladies

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