Nyanza Club Captain Tobia See in action
The team of Noah Winja and David Ochuodho teamed up well towin the sixth leg of the Tusker Malt Golf Carnival that took place at the11-hole par-70 Nyanza Country Club.
Despite the slippery course and the soggy greens, handicap 9Winja and handicap 28 Ochuodho managed 24 points in the first nine and 22 pointsin the second for a team total of 46 points, emerging the day’s best.
Coming in second place was Bhupen Shah of handicap 18teaming up with Ramesh Karia of handicap 15. Bhupen and Karia played animpressive 25 in the front nine but faltered in the second nine to manage 20points for a total of 45, a point shy of the winning team.
Nyanza Club Captain Tobias See came in third, having teamedup with J. C. Lee. Playing off handicap 23 and 17 respectively, See and Leeposted 24 points in the first nine and 20 points in the second nine for a totalof 44 points.
J. Mundia of handicap 16 and Francis Barasa of handicap 18 posted43 points to edge off the team of Hillary Osodo (19) and Joseph Atito (12) oncountback. Mundia and Barasa clinched fourth place after scoring 20 points onthe first nine and 23 points on the second nine for a total of 43 points.
Osodo and Atito settled for fifth place with 21 points onthe front nine and 22 points on the back nine for a team score of 43, losing oncountback.
Club Captain Tobias See cited plansto expand the Nyanza Country Club from the current 11-hole to an 18-hole course.
The seventh leg of the Tusker Malt Golf Carnival now headsto Limuru on December 17, to close off the 2011 calendar. Muthaiga Golf Clubtakes over in the new year with the first challenge in 2012 on January 21.
EABL Managing Director Baker Mugunda confirmed that TuskerMalt will be sponsoring the Monthly Mug for the next twelve months startingJanuary 2012. “This is all an effort for tuskermalt to support golf in the region, “said Mugunda.
The Carnival that has so far been toKenya Railways Golf Club, Machakos, Njoro, Kiambu, Eldoret and Nyanza isscheduled to visit 30 golf clubs and engage some 10, 000 golfers from Kenya,Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda in a regional tour aimed at promoting bonding andfriendship, the brand value of Tusker Malt. pandora brazalete pandora brazalete