The all lady-team of Wanjira Kireri, Muthoni Muturi, Louisa Gitau and Betty Gacheru are the winners of the inaugural Ericsson Golf Day held at the Karen Country Club. The ladies posted an impressive team score of 44 stable ford points, beating 138 other contestants. Congratulating the ladies, Ericsson AfricaCEO, Lars Linden said he was not surprised. “Golf is all about communication, something we at Ericsson are particularly good at – and something that ladies are excellent at,” Linden said. “I would like to congratulate the ladies and I do hope to see them at this same event next year, perhaps the men will have learnt something about communication by then!”
The runner up team was led by Ericsson’s Byron Candel and Tim Chessari, Orange-Telkom’s John Conlan and Annette Martyres; they posted 39 team points.
The men winner was Airtel’s Tom Indimuli with an excellent score of 41 points whilst Muthaiga’s Sam Mwangi was the runner up with 39 points beating Njee Muturi on count-back. Karen’s Wanjira Muturi was the Lady winner with 42 points. Ericsson’s Rod Van De Werken was the staff winner on 37 points, whilst the nines went to Walter Onyino on 22-points and Charles on 21-points. The longest drive lady was Louisa Gitau whilst longest drive men was Ben Handa. Jonathan Ciano was nearest to pin on the 14th hole. Ericsson’s Franklin Juma was the pinga mingi winning himself a wheel barrow. nike thea schwarz nike thea schwarz